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Thursday, April 29, 2010

CA Rewrite

When I worked on my paper I found that I tend to use I and bland terms such as they when speaking about a specific person. I need to be more conscious of when I do this. I went to the writing center and talked to one of the tutors about my paper. I have a difficult time finding specifics and how to word them in my paper. I went back and tried to give more examples and instead of saying “famous athletes” I used actual famous athletes names like Michael Jordan and Lebron James. I felt that this helped me get my point across. I talked about the technology in the shoes to give an example of the progress Nike has made and how they basically control the sports market in some ways. I also changed my heading because it was incorrect as far as MLA style goes. I fixed some grammar and spelling mistakes. In my papers I tend to make things wordy so I went back and revised them so that it was more clear and precise.

This is my whole CA for my rewrite. It goes through all the things I have learned about my writing and what I do that makes my papers suck to say the least. But I go hrough and fix them now.

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